Saturday, February 2, 2008

Barn cleaning

Today, the kids and I did a dump run, most of the stuff came from the barn. I got rid of some old crocks, broken things, garbage, and a few old cages. We also took some household garbage to the dump as well.
Tomorrow, I hope to take a few of the old rusty cages to the metal recycling up the road from us, and will take our really old nest boxes to my dad's to burn in his outdoor fire. We have so much cleaning that we need to do (junk wise) that it is not funny. I hope to sort out all the carriers and nest boxes and then in the next few months order a few new mini lop size carriers and equipment.

I still need to put together my stacker that I bought from Grandview Rabbitry this fall, but with all the empty holes we have had, I have not needed it yet. They are filling up though. Wait till the babies start coming then I will need the stacker for separating the babies.

Now that it is warming up, I hope to get some more disinfecting done in the carriers and cages, and hair burning off some of the cages. I want to have our barn all nice and clean this month, weather permitting of course.

That's it on the barn cleaning.

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